Sunday, February 25, 2007

Think of explaining an IPod to a person born in 1765...

That is what's it's like trying to talk to my dad about anything related to computers. He has a computer at work and one at home, yet somehow when I e-mail him a youtube video clip, he has no clue in the world what to do with it. I once tried to explain to him what an Ipod was but stoped as soon as we got to the concept of MP3s. My dad is in his early 60s but certainly a smart man who is more than capable of figuring out how to use a computer and find media he may like. I don't think it's that the older generation really has a problem with technology, my dad doesn't really seem scared of it, he just really has no interest in getting any more media content at home than he already has. If he knew of all the great ways he could distract himself at work with, he might actually be motivated to figure out how this internet thing works.
All of this comes a day after I helped my mom set up her myspace page. Though she had no idea how to add friends, make a background, or put on a song onto her profile; she sat and watched intently as I did it and when I signed onto my myspace account today she had already done more work on her page. For some reason, the concept of being able to reach people is something she is very interested in while my dad mostly uses the internet to read political articles and forward the occasion funny picture of cat to me, that my uncle e-mail to him. It would seem as if my mom were a very social person in the real world, but that is not the case at all, she meets all of the men she dates through and hardly ever leaves the house unless she's meeting one of these dates. I have no clue why online socialiation is so much more appealing to her than real life socialization but that's all she seems to do. Oh parents.

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